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All Natural Soapmaking for Beginners: $40

In this course I will walk you through the entire soapmaking process, step-by-step.

Did know that most "soap bars" sold in stores today are not actually soap? Really. If you take a peek at the product packaging, you probably won't find the word "soap." These bath bars sold in stores are commonly derived from detergents which contain chemicals, synthetic lathering agents and hardeners that can be irritating to the skin. These ingredients are banned from being called soap by the FDA.

Enter homemade, all natural soap. True soap is created from saponified oils which contain glycerin. Glycerin is a natural moisturizer to the skin.

Home soapmaking can be intimidating to those inexperienced. We all hear the horror stories about lye, and that working with soaping materials is more like working in a science lab than like cooking a culinary recipe. But now more than ever, learning to make homemade soap is integral to living a more natural lifestyle. And thanks to this course, it's broken down into simple and approachable steps. In this course you will:
  • learn how to make soap, the cold process way
  • have access to the demonstration videos forever with the ability to play them infinitely
  • leave the course with a shopping list, recipe, information on coloring your soap, and even a glossary of soapmaking terms

I get why you may have put off making your own soap until now. The first time I made soap I combined my solutions and hid because I was afraid something would explode. I also stirred for 2.5 hours to get my soap to actually form. I did all the experimentation for you.

And I'm here to tell you it's not scary. It's not hard. And it's going to be okay. :)

Course Reviews

"I just finished your soap making class and I loved it! I've honestly been terrified to make soap from scratch and now I feel empowered and can't wait to try!"

- Tanya

Course curriculum

  • 1

    All Natural Soapmaking for Beginners

    • Welcome to All Natural Soapmaking for Beginners

    • Soapmaking Equipment

    • Handling Lye Safely and Making Our Lye Solution

    • Mixing Our Oils

    • Combining Our Oil and Lye Solutions and Pouring Our Soap Into Molds

    • Cutting and Storing Homemade Soap

    • Glossary of Common Soapmaking Terms

    • Shopping List: Tools & Equipment

    • Recipe: Lavender Cold Process Soap

    • How to Add Color to Natural Cold Process Soap